Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Baby B - Week 18

So it seems like I never get to these posts on turn over days (Thursday) but I will work with what I have got. And this week thankfully I have got lots of energy this week (ironically however not right now, right now I can hardly keep my eyes open even though I went to sleep at like 8:30 last night and slept until 6:30 - go figure).

Week 18

How have I been feeling?  Full of energy this week!!! It has been wonderful to feel as close to normal as I could possibly hope for this week. I will take it.  Granted this energy is a bit short lived and usually energy is from 7 a.m. until about 3 p.m. when I start to majorly crash, but honestly I will take anything I can get.   So I am very happy with it minus today where I feel extremely tired (Baby B must be busy because I am majorly tired at this moment).  The swollen foot thing has also been lingering.  I talked to my Physical Therapist about it yesterday and he worked some magic and made me feel so much better. 

How have I been feeling emotionally?  Happier for sure! A lot more normal and like myself, which makes me in turn a lot happier.  But there are lots of things changing or potentially about to change over here so I have also been excited, nervous, anxious etc.  Otherwise though happy this week - yayyyy!!!

 And how can you not be happy when you see signs like this - thank you!

Cravings/Aversions:  Hmm not so much this week - major plus!! I still wish I could eat all the tuna fish in the world but don't worry I am abstaining.  I had tuna two times this month and think I will continue to be neurotic and wait until next month to enjoy another serving.  I also have gotten the O.K. from the doctor to have turkey and other cold cuts, but just have not had the nerve to do it.  I just don't know if I really want to chance it, but I am rocking the pasteurized goat cheese - its pasteurized, its fine in my book.  In even better news, we only ate out once last week!  This is amazing compared to my first trimester where I demanded chinese, pizza, and thai every other night - our bodies and our wallets are thanking us.

Exercise:  Has been amazing this past week!  I have had some "normal Stephanie" elliptical workouts and runs!  I have also walked a few times at work during lunch and done some weight training.   Even this morning, where I really did not think I had it in me, I ran with Wubby outside for 5 minutes until he dragged me back to the house and then banged out a good/hard 3 miles on the elliptical still rocking the Mind over Matter theme.

Doctor's Visits:  We had a big one!  The gender one!  But I think that might deserve its own post! I know I am cruel, but you all probably don't care that much anyway.  Be back tomorrow or the next day with the big gender reveal.

Dreams:  Another "it's a girl" dream!  I dreamed that our baby came early (dear Baby, don't do that, come on time) and labor was super easy and yet at the least minute I wanted the epidural and out popped our baby girl.  It felt so real, but the clue should have been that labor was super easy and did not hurt at all - hmmmm, if only.... Pregnancy dreams are crazy though, they seem so so real!

Who else has some good crazy baby dreams for me?

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