Sunday, July 22, 2012

The Dinner Dilemma

Once upon a time, I was pretty darn good at meal planning.  I would look at our week, think about what we had going on, what we wanted to eat, and TA-DA make a plan for lunches and dinners and set off to the store list in hand.

Somewhere between that perfectly well-structured formulation of lunch and dinner plans and today, we welcomed morning sickness (which should more aptly be called "sick at all times of the day sickness") and the perfect planning, it went out the window.  There was no way to predict what we were having for lunch or dinner because there was no way to tell how I was going to feel - would the smell of chicken make me sick? Would I be starving?  Would I be too full or nauseous to eat?  We just did not know and after a few failed attempts to make a plan and too much wasted food we gave up and instead started to just go with it.  While a good lesson in lack of control and getting ready for all things baby, such a plan was difficult and tiring.  We never had any food in the house and I was too tired to cook much of anything and with Aaron getting home late, I often assembled quick sandwiches leaving me unsatisfied or forked over more money for pizza or the like.

Its a good thing I really really like pizza!

Now that I am well into my second trimester, I am very happy to report that all things healthy foods have many a BIG comeback.  However, my meal planning skills have not returned as promptly.  It is not that I am as worried that I will be disgusted by the food or not want it, it is just that I can't figure out anything to eat.  I am not really sure why but I have developed this inability to figure out what to make for lunch and/or dinner.  And when I do decide what I want, it is just too late, I am too tired, and just go with what is convenient - yet another sandwich.  The bread and cheese industry LOVE me, to say the least.

But this week, Aaron and I are determined to make a change.  To plan, shop, and cook ahead of time, so that we have food for the week (even if it really sucks to have to make food now on a Sunday night after a loonnnng day).    Yet, here, we are doing it - all grownup and parent like, right?.  Came up with a list, went to the store, and came back and started cooking.  First up, turkey breast.  For some reason, I am obsessed with the idea of turkey deli sandwiches right now (probably because I cannot eat them).  But now I can, we cooked up the turkey, had some for dinner, and sliced the rest for - you guessed it - turkey sandwiches for lunch (we even had enough to store some in the freezer for another week and leave some for Wubby too!).

Turkey Goodness!

Now, I am doing a little resting because my foot has decided to swell and Aaron is graciously starting the tedious process of making eggplant parm (totally worth it, but so easy for me to say).  So now we will have dinner for Monday and Tuesday!  To round out the week, we have dinner plans Wednesday night, turkey burgers for Thursday, and fish for Friday!

Best eggplant parm recipe ever!

 Thus it actually looks like we have a plan and are putting it action!  And once again I feel satisfied, satiated, and happy.  Sure, I am exhausted from the shopping, turkey cooking, lunch prepping, cleaning and laundry folding (only about a five hour activity total), but I know we will benefit from it this week making it totally worth it!!  And Wubby, well Wubby could not be happier - he loves him some turkey!

Turkey please!

Do you ever get stuck in a dinner rut and how do you get out of it?  Do you partake in meal planning and prepping? 

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