They look like this right...sure I am running here
These were what my runs were like on both Thursday and Saturday of this week. I am sure I am in for a dozzy (how do you even spell that?!?) for the next run. But for now I will just smile and continue to gush to you all about how I have had two glorious runs. I spend so much time lately being hard myself, not realizing that I am doing great, and that the work is paying off. That needs to stop. A few years ago, I would not be counting these runs as "perfect runs" - they were not the times I would have wanted to see, they were still hard at points, and they would not be considered my "very best." Yet, these two past runs have given me perspective. I will get back to the times I want and even if I don't I am working hard, training, and having a blast! Its been a long time since I have felt that way and its quite a glorious feeling. It is why I say I run right....for fun...
So the runs. On Thursday, I had 3 fast miles on tap. I wanted to push, I wanted to do my best. I got there and I did. I kept my pace around 8 minutes and was ecstatic. Was I also ready to throw up? Sure, but that is just an indicator of a good run, right? I came home gloating to Aaron (him and I are in a little bit of a running show down lately...more to come in a later post) and felt that wonderful runner's high all day long.
Forever recycled, always my favorite
But yesterday, yesterday was perfect. I had 12 miles on tap. The plan was that I would run the first 8 and meet Aaron at that point. He was running 8 with the jogging stroller so we would do our last 4 miles together and hope the paces synced up.
I started and right off, I knew today would be my day. The weather was a runner's dream and I felt light and airy. As the first miles came in, I looked at the times in disbelief, even as I headed up a long 3 mile stretch uphill I was holding steady and feeling incredible. 9:03, 9:06, 9:15....
I was enjoying reminiscing with all my old favorite tunes, such as Glee and more Glee (the best running music, I swear!). 8:56, 9:20, 9:18, 8:59
The best part of this run however, hands down, started at Mile 8. I saw Aaron and Lee and began clamping and screaming. I was wondering if Aaron would make it to me on time and he was there for 10 minutes waiting! I was so impressed - 4 miles uphill with a stroller is hardcore! 9:13
My boys
I asked him "if he was ready to go fast?" He said "what do you mean by fast?" I said "well 9s and it is down hill." He nodded and said "it is downhill."
So off we went still feeling like I was flying...on top of the world so to speak. Lee was enjoying his time by blowing raspberries and saying "ahhhh." To which I had to respond with my own raspberries and ahhs. Aaron was well...kicking ass. At one point I looked down at my watch and saw 8:30s. I kept him encouraging him, until he had to encourage me!!! He started to pick up the speed and dig deep and we pushed each other to the end...although I will admit it, and am happy to do so, he finished first!!!! 9:18, 9:02, 9:05, 8:55
Ok this is from 18 months ago but it sums Saturday's run up perfectly...nothing more attractive than a husband beating you at running...
This run was all that I could hope for. It took 1:49:33. Other times I would not be smiling from ear to ear. Other times I would think I used to run a half in 1:47 or 1:51. Not today. Today I recognize where I am and know that there is no number defining perfect. My runs are not defined by whether I beat a PR from 5 years ago or not. They are not necessarily about if you hurt or not, because at points I did hurt. But for me, these runs, these perfect runs were about enjoying time with my family, seeing my husband begin to become the runner I know he can be, and feel as if I am flying whether that is 7 minute miles or 11 minute miles.
Post run bliss
Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and father's day!
Tell me, what is your definition of a perfect run?