Sunday, June 2, 2013

A Story Book for Lee - On Our Run Today. . .

Have you checked out my Sweepstakes for a free entry to a trail race?  Go enter here!

On my run on Saturday, it was hot! I may have been really feeling the heat and going a little bit crazy.  Luckily, the path I was running on was full with many animals and sounds of nature not only did it keep me company, but it gave me an idea for a children's book for Lee.  In fact, some of the below is what I saw on Saturday. Yes, I am going to totally use Shutterfly to create it, but here is a sneak peak.  I am still working the title, help me out Shutterfly deal ends on the 5th! Edits welcome. I am serious, totally making this book for little baby Lee.

On Our Run Today

Mommy and Daddy like to run.  Wubby likes to run too. 

Sometimes, you even come with us and we run all together as a family.

When we go for a run, we see. . .

10 ducklings waddling along
You are the cutest duckling of all

dogs running with their moms and dads
Wait that is Daddy and Wubby

8 people zooming past on their bicycles 

runners running along smiling ear to ear
Mommy smiles when she runs

other girls and boys just like you running or riding with their parents too

turkeys, 1 daddy turkey and 4 baby turkeys
You were Mommy's Little Turkey once upon a time

4 tiny birds chirping in the trees

chipmunks scurrying along the way

2 turtles - one big mommy turtle and one itty bitty baby turtle and 

1 happy family - Mommy, Daddy, Wubby, and Lee.

When you grow up, you can run on your own if you want.  And if not, that is O.K. too!  No matter what we love you through and through.

Any ideas on the title?  Ever use Shutterfly or something like that to make a book (not just a photo book)?